Sherlock Holmes and the Copycat Murders – Barry Day Free Audiobook
Written by Barry Day
Format: MP3
I was taken by the book’s description… ‘It is London 1900 and Sherlock Holmes finds himself investigating a string of murders that have one common thread – each of them recalls one of his famous earlier cases and each of them implicate him. Has that great mind finally cracked – Watson wonders – and how is all this connected to Britain’s latest secret weapon and the doings of the enigmatic Graf von Bork and the mysterious Society for Anglo-German Solidarity ?’
This is the third in Barry Day’s Sherlock Holmes ‘Murder’ series and,much as I enjoyed the others,this is his best to date. The basic premise is an ingenious one and the author cleverly interweaves his tale with the actual history of the period.
Mr.Day conveys a great sense of period and gets better with each outing. I look forward to his next.”