M.C. Beaton ~ [Agatha Raisin 27] – Pushing Up Daisies – M.C. Beaton Free Audiobook

M.C. Beaton ~ [Agatha Raisin 27] - Pushing Up Daisies - M.C. Beaton Audiobook Free Download
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M.C. Beaton
Penelope Keith
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Written by M.C. Beaton
Read by Penelope Keith
Format: MP3
Bitrate: 64 Kbps

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Book Title:………………..Pushing Up Daisies
Series Name:……………Agatha Raisin
Series No:………………..27
Author:…………………….M.C. Beaton
Narrator:………………….Penelope Keith
Genre:……………………..Crime Mystery

Source:……………………eDownloaded 64 Kb file
# of MP3 files:…………..12 Chaperised Files
Total Runtime:…………..6 Hours 22 Minutes
Encoder:…………………..Fraunhofer [FhG] (Guess)
Converted To:……………64 Kb | CBR | 44,100 Hz | Mono
Total Size:…………………175 MB
Converted By:……………OldScotsman
Date Converted:………..01-September-2016
ID3 Tags:………………….Includes Image and all info shown on this page (Smart Phone Ready)

Allotment wars! Lord Bellingham, Carsely’s biggest landholder, has enraged locals by saying he is going to sell off their allotments to make way for a new housing development. So when he turns up dead, poisoned by antifreeze, nobody mourns his passing. On another fine summer’s day, Agatha visits Carsley’s allotments, where everything looks peaceful and perfect: people of all ages digging in the soil and working hard to grow their own fruit and veg. Agatha feels almost tempted to take on a strip herself…but common sense soon prevails. She doesn’t really like getting her hands dirty. She is introduced to three old-timers who have just taken over a new strip; Harry Perry, Bunty Daventry and Josephine Merriweather are lamenting the neglected condition of the patch. But as Harry starts to shovel through the weeds and grass, his spade comes across something hard, so he bends down and tries to move the object. And then he starts to yell…. The body is that of Peta Currie, a newcomer to the village – but who would want to murder her? Blonde and beautiful, she’s every local male’s favourite. And then Lord Bellingham’s son engages Agatha to do some digging of her own, and very soon Agatha is thrown into a world of petty feuds, jealousies and disputes over land. It would seem that far from being tiny Gardens of Eden, Carsley’s allotments are local battlefields where passions – and the body count – run high!

M.C. Beaton (Marion Chesney) was born on 1936 in Glasgow, Scotland, UK, and started her first job as a bookseller in charge of the fiction department in John Smith & Sons Ltd. While bookselling, by chance, she got an offer from the Scottish Daily Mail to review variety shows and quickly rose to be their theatre critic. She left Smith’s to join Scottish Field magazine as a secretary in the advertising department, without any shorthand or typing, but quickly got the job of fashion editor instead. She then moved to the Scottish Daily Express where she reported mostly on crime. This was followed by a move to Fleet Street to the Daily Express where she became chief woman reporter. After marrying Harry Scott Gibbons and having a son, Charles, Marion went to the United States where Harry had been offered the job of editor of the Oyster Bay Guardian. When that didn’t work out, they went to Virginia and Marion worked as a waitress in a greasy spoon on the Jefferson Davies in Alexandria while Harry washed the dishes. Both then got jobs on Rupert Murdoch’s new tabloid, The Star, and moved to New York.
Anxious to spend more time at home with her small son, Marion, urged by her husband, started to write historical romances in 1977. After she had written over 100 of them under her maiden name, Marion Chesney, and under the pseudonyms: Ann Fairfax, Jennie Tremaine, Helen Crampton, Charlotte Ward, and Sarah Chester, she getting fed up with 1714 to 1910, she began to write detectives stories in 1985 under the pseudonym of M. C. Beaton. On a trip from the States to Sutherland on holiday, a course at a fishing school inspired the first Constable Hamish Macbeth story. They returned to Britain and bought a croft house and croft in Sutherland where Harry reared a flock of black sheep. But Charles was at school, in London so when he finished and both tired of the long commute to the north of Scotland, they moved to the Cotswolds where Agatha Raisin was created.

Dame Penelope Anne Constance Keith, DBE, DL (née Hatfield; born 2 April 1940) is an English actress, known for her roles in the British sitcoms The Good Life and To the Manor Born. She succeeded Lord Olivier as president of the Actors’ Benevolent Fund after his death in 1989, and was appointed Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire (DBE) in the 2014 New Year Honours for services to the arts and to charity.
Keith joined the Royal Shakespeare Company in 1963, and went on to win the 1976 Olivier Award for Best Comedy Performance for the play Donkeys’ Years. She became a household name in the UK playing Margo Leadbetter in the sitcom The Good Life (1975–78), winning the 1977 BAFTA TV Award for Best Light Entertainment Performance. In 1978, she won the BAFTA TV Award for Best Actress for The Norman Conquests. She then starred as Audrey fforbes-Hamilton in the sitcom To the Manor Born (1979–81), a show that received audiences of more than 20 million. She went on to star in another six sitcoms, including Executive Stress (1986–88), No Job for a Lady (1990–92) and Next of Kin (1995–97). Since 2000, she has worked mainly in the theatre, with her roles including Madam Arcati in Blithe Spirit (2004) and Lady Bracknell in The Importance of Being Earnest (2007).

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