A River in the Sky (Amelia Peabody Mysteries) Free Audiobook

    A River in the Sky (Amelia Peabody Mysteries) Audiobook Free Download
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    Elizabeth Peters

    Peters, named Grand Master by the Mystery Writers of America in 1998, writes wildly popular historical mysteries about British archaeologist Amelia Peabody, who is pulled into adventures by her well-muscled (this is mentioned quite a bit) Egyptologist husband and their wayfaring son, Ramses, an Egyptian grammarian who is forever being kidnapped, pursued, or lost in tombs. Since Peters is writing today, it’s difficult to tell if her overblown style (she really does say things like “muscles rippled across the breadth of his chest”) is a nod to the period (around the turn of the last century), her own send-up of romance novels, or her baroque style. What is unfortunate is that Peters, who has a doctorate in Egyptology from the University of Chicago’s Oriental Institute, doesn’t do more to give readers the benefit of her broad background, other than to have the couple constantly going to Egypt on various quests that remain at the level of Raiders of the Lost Ark simplicity. In the latest Peters, the year is 1910, Ramses has disappeared yet again on a dig, and a mysterious adventurer who might be a German spy invites the Emersons (Amelia goes with) to Jerusalem on a hunt for the Ark of the Covenant. The novel moves between Amelia’s first-person narration and Ramses’ point of view (undercutting suspense over his fate). Peters’ fans, of course, find plenty to enjoy from the characters alone. This one’s for them.